Monday, December 14, 2015

Retro Review: Arthur Christmas

As I've done before, I'll start with the cons: Quite frankly, there aren't many. The film does take a  moment to engross you in this particular Christmas world, but once you're in, you're in to stay. Also, like a lot of against-all-odds stories, it seems like main character Arthur can't seem to catch a break which really drove me crazy at times. It's like watching the Trix rabbit get rejected over and over and over...If you can get through this, you're definitely in for a treat.

Let's face it, Christmas movies have been done and redone, particularly those regarding Jolly Old St. Nick. It's refreshing to see one so original as this. I don't want to give away too much and spoil the magic of watching it firsthand, but watch the first scene and see if it doesn't put a smile on your face. As the years have passed and technology has advanced, so apparently has the help provided to Santa. Elves fly around looking like they're on the Mission: Impossible team with the perfect computer gadgets to ensure all the kids get what they ask for without actually seeing Santa himself. And that's only the beginning.

While the film packs a great comedic punch, it packs even more heart. If you're not rooting for young Arthur to succeed in delivering the one present that Santa missed, something is wrong with you. A number of smaller stories combine to tell that of the entire Claus family and what Christmas means to each of them separately.

Our family is currently watching twenty-five movies leading up to Christmas Day and this just happened to be one my son picked out. So glad he did. It's the story of a man who goes to great lengths to reinforce the spirit of Christmas. I give this movie a 98.

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