Saturday, November 5, 2016

Trolls (2016) Movie Review

Image result for trolls

Trolls has a few cheesy moments that the movie could have done without. I had to start there as I had a hard time finding things I didn't like about the movie. Spoiler Alert: Trolls is pretty darn good.

The Bergens are a village of monsters that feed off of trolls in order to get happiness. When their only source of happiness turns tail and establishes a home in a new forest, the chef of the Bergen town dedicates her life to hunting them down. It's up to Poppy (Anna Kendrick) and Branch (Justin Timberlake) to protect their fellow trolls from danger.

It's, by far, the most colorful, dark movie I've ever seen. It's a movie about the main characters trying to avoid being eaten, yet I was more focused on the bright colors of creativity that made the characters pop off the screen and made each forest scene resemble one giant bag of Skittles. The attention to detail is very appealing to the eyes.

Trolls will appeal to your funnybone as well as you'll find yourself laughing more often than not at all the hilarious things happening on-screen. Branch tickled me the most because, in the midst of the happy-happy love fest, he was this brooding character whose main goal was to get the other trolls to believe in his conspiracy theories. My favorite characters are always the ones that drift away from the norm.

Speaking of drifting away from the norm, the film uses a gang of familiar songs and puts their own fun spin on them. It's not just about how the songs are sung but the moments in which the songs are brought out. My personal favorite was one of the Bergen's rendition of Lionel Richie's "Hello". They really dusted off the crates to find quality music and there's definitely a little something that everyone can enjoy and bounce their heads to.

It's little touches like the music and colors that really give the movie a unique feel. It's original in more ways than one, including all the vibrant, singing monsters that Poppy runs into during her adventure. The characters surprised me with their originality as well. No one troll is alike in looks and each have their own unique personalities. I can't really point to a favorite as I felt like each of them did something to make me laugh at point or another.

Trolls is a great family movie or, in my wife and I's case, a fun movie to go see on date night. I give it a solid 81.

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