Thursday, May 12, 2016

Everybody Wants Some!! (2016) Movie Review

I've seen a lot of movies which means I've witnessed characters pass off and on the screen time and time again. In the grand scheme of a two-hour plus movie, some characters get lost in the shuffle as they were only meant to serve as a filler or to move the story along. Most characters are forgettable, even the ones that make you smile a time or two. I can honestly say that, after watching Everybody Wants Some!!, each and every one of those characters will stick in my mind for years to come. They were just that darn good and played by some pretty darn good actors.

Exhibit A: Ryan Guzman playing the role of Roper. Roper is supposed to be more of a sidekick role, there to kind of back up the rest of the crew. It's not long before he hits you with a quick one-liner followed by another hilarious quote a few minutes later. Before you know it, he has integrated himself into most portions of the film and you find yourself laughing at him just as equally as the rest of the group.

It doesn't stop there. From Roper right down to the lowest man on the totem pole, no one is left out. Not only are each and every one of them funny for their own reasons, their personalities are so distinctly perfect. In a movie that centers around a baseball team (yet is not at all about baseball), the conception of "team" is captured perfectly: a bunch of unique people that come together to make a solid unit. They love and respect each other for who they are, not in spite of it. Not only is it believable but you'll leave the film jealous that you couldn't be a part of this wrecking crew.

In the midst of this character piece are subtle nuances of meaning. Big enough to be there, but small enough to never derail the movie in the least. The parts that make you think subject this film to more brownie points than your average run-of-the-mill comedy. It's hard to be funny then turn on a dime and get serious. This film doesn't do that, rather it takes you down a road, brings you to a quick stoplight, then you're off to the races again.

The overall vibe is excellent and the 1970's setting is captured perfectly. You like old school hip-hop? Classic disco and Motown? Country? Punk rock? Are you an artsy person? This film welcomes all comers. The fact that it has a little something for everyone makes it that much more enjoyable.

My one small gripe: I would love to have seen them actually playing baseball a little more. The one scene where they were on the field wasn't a long one, but it left me cracking up and hoping to see it again later on in the film. Unfortunately, it never came. Very reminiscent of Finding Forrester in that sense, another great movie.

The plot? This is a film about absolutely nothing. Not kidding in the least. However, director Richard Linklater has done a phenomenal job of making every scene meaningful and you honestly can't say that about a lot of films that have actual structured storylines. Everybody Wants Some!! takes you on a fun-filled journey that feels like a smooth Sunday drive. I give it a 97.

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