Thursday, April 28, 2016

Keanu (2016) Movie Review

This is a comedy so I'll cut to the chase: Keanu is flat-out funny. From beginning to end, you'll find yourself in stitches, whether it's from a brand new joke or a continuous reference throughout the film. Not only that, but you'll laugh for different reasons. There were times where I laughed at the sheer absurdity of it all. Other times I cracked up during moments that were just plain uncomfortable. There are so many moments of randomness, I don't even know where to start. In fact, I won't even try in fear of ruining what you have in store. This is one ride you will be glad you went on.

Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele, stars of the hit show "Key and Peele", have taken their show to the big screen and are wildy successful. Their chemistry is undeniable and their timing is flawless. Throw a baby kitten in the mix and now you have an entirely new set of reasons to laugh. Two words: Kitten Calendar. Just thinking about that December month still puts a smile on my face.

The thing I love most about Key and Peele is their effectiveness at redefining what it means to be black versus what it means to be white. In a society where you're told that "this way" or "that way" is how you need to be, this movie manages to take those stereotypes, turn them on their head, and make you laugh about it. Instead of saying "be this way or that way", this film appreciates the idea that everyone has a little bit of "this AND that" inside of them. Can't help but respect that, comedy or not.

I appreciate the fact that Key and Peele both put it all in the line when they're acting. It almost seems like they don't care whether or not we think it's funny as long as they know they dedicated their full selves. Unfortunately, it serves as a minor drawback in the film as it does in their tv show at times. There are a handful of lines/scenes that you might not find as funny that were left in the film for whatever reason. It's comedy. It is what it is. The upside is those few...let's call them blips...don't ruin the overall enjoyment of what is otherwise a great movie.

Keanu isn't going to change the world, but it manages to find a way to hit your funny bone multiple times in two hours. It's the story of a man who has lost his kitten and the friend who helps him get it back. It's about as random as the cat's name, but in a very good way. I give it a 92.

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